Step by Step Guide: Who Deleted My Issues? (Data Center)

Step by Step Guide: Who Deleted My Issues? (Data Center)

Accessing the Deleted Issues View:

To access the Deleted Issues view in the Who Deleted My Issues? app, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jira Administration screen.

  2. Click on the settings wheel icon located at the top right corner.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Manage apps".

  4. In the "Manage apps" screen, locate the "Menu WHO DELETED MY ISSUES" section in the the left-hand column.

  5. Click on the "Deleted issues" option to access the Deleted Issues view.

WDMI - manage apps 01.png
WDMI - manage apps - deleted issues 02.png

Performing a Search:

  • In the Deleted Issues View, access the powerful search and filtering engine.

  • Utilize various search fields, including Key, Issue type, Summary, Deleted by user, Date from, and Date to.

  • Refine your search criteria based on your requirements.

  • Click on the "Search" button to retrieve deleted issues matching your criteria.

  • Select one or more issues or utilize the bulk selection option to recover deleted issues efficiently.

  • Once you have selected the desired issues, proceed to the next step in the recovery process.

Retrieve Issues via CSV Export

For individual issues:

  • Click the "Export" button on the search bar's right corner to download issue information in CSV format.

  • Alternatively, use the "Export issue" icon in the Actions column for the same result.

For multiple issues:

  • Select them and click the "Export" button for a CSV download.

Importing Data from a CSV File:

For instructions on importing data from a CSV file into your Jira Data Center instance, visit the Atlassian Support page: Import Data from a CSV File.

This resource provides detailed guidance on seamlessly integrating external data into your Jira environment.

Excluding Projects from the Log:

  • Navigate to Settings > Project exceptions in the left column of the WDMI Data Center Version main screen.

  • Choose the project(s) you wish to exclude from the app log.

  • Click on the "Add" button to confirm your selection.

  • To remove project exceptions, locate the project in the list and click on the "Delete" option represented by a trash can icon in the Actions column on the right.

Please note that we are currently working on an improvement that will allow you to "Delete All Exceptions" with a single button click, clearing all exclusions at once.

Accessing the Audit Log:

  • Click on "Audit Log" in the left column of the WDMI Data Center Version main screen.

  • View the WDMI - Audit log screen to see who has permanently deleted issues and how many have been removed.

  • The log consists of three data columns: User, Date, and Issues removed from log.


Need assistance?

If you have any questions or face challenges regarding installation, configuration, or usage of Who Deleted My Issues?, our technical support team is here to assist you.

Additionally, you can explore the vibrant Atlassian Community, where users share their experiences and insights about using this application. Together, we're building a world of knowledge and solutions.