Step by Step Guide: DataBase Explorer (Data Center)

Step by Step Guide: DataBase Explorer (Data Center)

Accessing the Database Terminal Screen:

To query the Jira database using Database Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jira Administration screen.

  2. Click on the settings wheel icon located at the top right corner.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Manage apps."

  4. In the "Manage apps" screen, locate the "Menu DATABASE BROWSER" section in the left-hand column.

  5. Click on the "Database Terminal" option to access the Database Terminal screen.

DBT - manage apps 01.png
DBT - manage apps 02.png


New Full Screen Functionality:

Maximize space by clicking arrows next to the "Database Terminal" title and main action buttons. Arrows hide the left column and table filtering/listing, leaving a clean query view.


Performing a Search:

In the Database Terminal screen:

  1. Filter and view your database table by keyword.

  2. Click on a result to view its main data (such as ID, PKEY, ISSUENUM, PROJECT, and more) in a convenient drop-down.

  3. Use the button options in the main menu for different actions:

    • Execute Query: Execute SQL and view paginated results.

    • Recent Queries: Access the 10 latest executed queries.

    • Copy Result: Copy data table to your clipboard.

    • Export to CSV: Export filtered table to CSV format.

    • Save Query: Save queries for future use.


Importing Data from a CSV File:

For instructions on importing data from a CSV file into your Jira Data Center instance, visit the Atlassian Support page: Import Data from a CSV File.

This resource provides detailed guidance on seamlessly integrating external data into your Jira environment.

Saving Queries:

After executing a query:

  1. Save queries using the "Save query" feature.

  2. Provide a query name and optional description.

  3. Save definitively by clicking "Confirm."

Navigating to Saved Query List:

  1. Navigate to "Saved Query List" below the Database Terminal option in the "Menu DATABASE BROWSER" section.

  2. Use powerful search and filtering engine to find the list you need.

Sharing Queries:

  1. In the "Saved Query List" section, go to the "Actions" column.

  2. Click on the users' icon (called "Share with" option) to share queries with users and groups.

  3. Specify the groups and/or users and click "Share" to finalize sharing.

This functionality enables Administrators to query databases and share results with non-Administrator users.

Enhancing Collaboration with Shared Queries:

  1. Accessing Shared Queries Overview:

    • Navigate to the Jira main menu.

    • Click on the "DBTerminal" option.

    • Then, click on the "Shared queries" dropdown.

  2. Viewing Shared Queries:

    • Non-admin Jira users can access the "Shared Queries" screen if queries are shared with them.

    • They can filter shared queries by Name and Description.

  3. Shared Queries List:

    • Below the filter tab, you'll find the SHARED QUERIES LIST.

    • This section displays information such as Name, Description and Shared by.

    • Each shared query includes a "Run" option for execution.

Note: Results from executed queries are displayed on a separate screen with pagination. Additionally, users have options to Copy Result and Export to CSV.